“ Rose at the Ready ”
If you've been following me over the last couple years, you've probably learned that I love to swim. Even with my knee injury this year, I am still in the pool a few times a week. Our neighborhood pool has one lifeguard on duty at all times & they sit in the little white chair with "rose" at the ready! Thankfully rose has only been used once this year, it happened on the first day of the season, & it was the first day the lifeguard was ever solo on the job. She did great that day! The photo was taken in color, but I wanted to isolate the red & so I took out all of the color except the bright beautiful rose. See below for original & see how close I was to the exact RGB given.
Generator: ROSE RGB: 230-050-068
Color captured: 203-041-054 (no color change to the red photographed)
#chooseacolor #Rose #Red #Lifeguard #Pool #NDBHphotography #NicoleBeusHarris #PoolDeck #ColorFocus #ColorIsolationPhotography #PhonePhotography

Comparing the exact RGB given in the generator and comparing it to the red I found while looking this week. "New" (upper half of block) is the red of the lifeguard buoy. "Current" is the generator's RGB color given. Pretty darn close.

You can see my on screen comparison from my phone. This is how I analyzed the colors this week. You can also see the blue of the pool water and how it competed with the red.
