“ Where Did I come From and Where Am I Going? ”

Recently I've been paying attention to genealogy; reading the history family members have compiled. There's a little controversy as to France or Italy on my dad's side (it depended upon which battle was most recent.) There's even more intrigue as to where the family was before then. The book in the photo has my dad's family going back through one line definitively through 1811 w/other documents & references to 200BC. Both paternal & maternal relatives were on the Mayflower. I've also realized that where I live now is where my family was 400 yrs ago. I moved here not knowing that. Now where am I going? I'm not sure, but I'll keep my passport ready for new adventures & maybe exploring some places I've been before, but w/new family connections in mind.
Left: family tree- Right: travel photos Above: a little about the migration of my family