“ Color My World Please 2022 ”
In 2021, week 11's challenge was Color Relationship with the EC being Harris Shutter Effect. I had never tried HSE before & had a good time learning & playing with it last year. I had used a white background & was actually a little envious of those who used a black background & the depth of color they achieved. What better week to try a little HSE again, but self-portrait week! Our world has fantastic colors everywhere you look & as photographers (even hobbyists) we look for the right color & tone to convey our message to the viewer - right?! So here's my hope & wish for 2022 - may the year be full of color (except for black & white weeks) and may we find ways to touch other people's hearts with our eye for color, tone, settings, and composition. May 2022 be colorful in all the right ways!
#selfportrait #HarrisShutterEffect #NDBHphotography #NicoleBeusHarris #ColorRelationships #HappyNewYear2022
Here's the original photo and some other Harris Shutter Effect versions I tried.
