“ Zoom! ”

This old pickup truck is behind an antique store & used to be hidden from view until a bike trail was just paved behind the building over the old rail tracks. I fell in love with it the first time I saw it as I was striding up the trail. I actually took a photo of it on Week 44, but someone said - use that for Wabi-Sabi & thankfully I was still in the area to do it this week. I took photos of it on Monday & I'll post those on my blog, but on Thursday I went striding by it again & someone had cleaned up the vine bushes & placed a few mums next to it. Definitely check out the difference in appearance from Monday to Thursday in the other photos I'll post. With the sun's rays coming over the top of the building I felt this was my best beauty in the old shot for the week.
#wabisabi #AntiqueTruck #graffiti #Sunrays #Abandoned #HiddenTreasure #NDBHphotography #NicoleBeusHarris #CambridgeMD
Monday's photos & condition...

I love the old cart in this one too.

I really contemplated the front of the truck photo instead of showing more of the side.
Thursday's other photos and appearance...

My friend Marco liked the front grill - the truck "looking" back at us in the photo.

I wonder what they will be doing with this long term and who is taking care of it and trying to bring some beauty and usefulness to this old truck.