“ I Feel Like a Giant! ”

My life varies a lot, that happens when your life is a political calendar & things change by the hour - so I chose the only thing that is almost a daily routine for me. I bought this elliptical strider on June 1st & could barely get down my driveway & back, but now I'm doing 3-4 miles a day the majority of days. I hope to get up to 10 miles in an hour as my ultimate goal, but I also get stopped daily by people wanting to know what it is & how hard it is. Saturday I noticed my shadow as I strode & loved how tall I looked. See I feel really tall on it, it puts me over 7 feet when I have both pedals even - I like seeing over trucks as I stride & feeling big even though I'm vulnerable on it. This has been the best routine I've added to my life in recent years, plus I have great views.
#mydailyroutine #NicoleBeusHarris #NDBHphotography #StreetStrider #exercise #ShadowPhotography #shadows #FirstPerson
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