“ Not Your Mother's Opera Glasses ”

I found these retro "opera glasses" at an antique store this week and I liked that they were more modern than my real vintage pairs. I felt the age of them would work in a photograph advertisement whereas the older pairs would have been historically drawn. I originally had a much more elaborate plan for an advertisement and my first attempt at the ad was more complicated, but not as intricate as my mind had envisioned. I think I always overthink, but thankfully a friend mentioned it didn't feel authentic. So after many hours of thought, another photo of the glasses in the box added, some font searches for 1960's feel and vibe - I came up with this. Check out my original layout as well as some other nostalgia photos by scrolling down.
#nostalgia #operaglasses #focalfoldingoperaglass #nicolebeusharris #NDBHphotography #retroadvertisements #advertising #printad

My first attempt on my original thought process. Most photos I took I was the model and photographer without a tripod so I was juggling hand positions. Thankfully my husband modeled for the trouser pocket pic.

I love this old #Texaco sign close to home. It has obviously been painted over at some point, but the Texaco is winning the long haul.

This was almost my final submission when I realized that the brand name should be included in the typeset. That's what I get for waiting until the last hour to redo my photo copy.

These baby cereal boxes caught my eye in an antique store, but the store wanted too much for them to justify buying them for the photo shoot this week, so I just did a quick shot in the shop with the best background and light I could find.