"Beauty Before the Bloom"

Without macro challenge this week I might not have stopped & looked at the hydrangea bushes & the "pre-bloom" buds. While I find the flowers pretty, they aren't my favorite or even my favorite color so I'll admit I just don't intensely look at them. The challenge made me look this week. LOL. I was looking & snapping photos of everything this week - hair, feathers, glass, old ink bottles with separated ink, cicadas, tree bark - literally anything BUT flowers. I didn't want to do the "normal" & so I tried to be different & then Saturday came. I still wasn't set on a photo & so I started snapping shots of flowers & the green of the pre-bloom bloom called me. I love the balance of the greens, the definitions of the buds, even the little "hair" on some of them. Beauty in the raw!
Other photos from this week: